Information & Support

Ordering Hippo VPS

Our Hippo VPS plans provide you with a powerful, secure and flexible VPS environment for you to deploy your website or bespoke application.

Ordering Hippo VPS

3 min read

Introduction #

Our Hippo VPS plans provide you with a powerful, secure and flexible Virtual Private Server environment for you to deploy your website or bespoke application. This knowledge base takes you through ordering a Hippo VPS Plan.

Find Your Hippo VPS Plan #

New Customers #
  • Go to the Hippo VPS Section of our website here.
  • Select the VPS Plan that matches your requirements.
Existing Customers #

If you are already a Hipposerve customer, you can follow the above method, but it is usually more straightforward to purchase the plan directly from your Hippo Portal.

  • Go to the Hippo Portal by following this link:
  • Login to the Hippo Portal
  • Go to the Hosting Shop
  • Choose Hippo VPS
  • Choose the VPS plan that matches your requirements.

Set up a Product Domain Name #

This product requires a domain name to function correctly. Choose the option that best suits your requirements.

Choose Domain

For full instructions regarding domain names, please consult this area of the Knowledge Base.

Choose Your Billing Cycle #

  • You can select, either monthly, annually or a triennially billing cycle.

Hipposerve Minecraft Billing Cycle

Configure The Instance Options #

Configure your server to match your preferences. This includes, backups (recommended), the Minecraft Version required, The data centre region. DDOS protection and IPv6 configuration.

Hipposerve Minecraft Configuration

  • If you wish to purchase an SSL certificate, you can also do this here.
Data Center Region #

This is the place where your data is stored. By default, it is set to London—GB. At present there are 25 other worldwide locations to choose from, and this list is growing. As a general rule, you should select the data centre closest to your core user base. Basically, the shorter the distance the data had to travel, the faster your web page will load. Please note, not all plans are available at all data centres.

Operating System #

Choose from a range of operating systems to install on your server. If you require an alternative operating system, you can modify your own server after it has been deployed. Please note: the choice of operating system will be ignored if you decide to install a Control Panel.

There is also the option to select cPanel as your web hosting control panel. However, due to cPanel’s licensing, agreement there is an additional monthly cost to this.

Control Panel #

If you would like to have a web control panel installed to help you administer your server environment, you can choose from a range here,

Auto Backups #

We strongly recommend that you include a backup plan in your Hippo VPS installation. Our auto backup feature takes the worry out of your backups. Once enabled, you can schedule a complete backup of your server, including all your configuration settings. Should the worst happen, you will be able to get your server up and running in a few minutes. Please note, the monthly price of the Auto Backups varies depending on the size of your server.

DDoS Protection #

Websites on their own servers, or servers using VPS technology, are more vulnerable to DDoS (Deliberate Denial of Service) attacks. This is where the target is bombarded with so many requests it effectively grinds to a halt.  Our DDoS protection proactively monitors your web traffic and blocks it, allowing legitimate requests through.

IPv6 Address #

IPv6 is the latest version of the IP address. It is more secure, more reliable and faster. However, a slight speed delay can occur when communicating with older IPv4 machines as the address is translated.

Please Note: These options are used to build the server. Once the server is complete, you will have to raise a support ticket to have any of these options added or removed from the installation.

Choose Your Add-ons #

Choose Addons

You can choose from a range of add-ons, including,  Free Website Migration/Transfer, Website Security, Advanced SSL and an SEO plan.

Complete Configuration #

If you are an existing customer, the final price payable today may be slightly higher or lower than the advertised price. This is because it is prorated, to synchronize it with the rest of your account, so you aren’t plagued with loads of invoices. In subsequent payments, the price will match.

When you are happy to with your options, continue to checkout.

Continue Button

Complete Checkout #

Complete your details in the checkout box and complete your order. Please note that provision can take a few moments, please be patient and do not leave the page.

Checkout Be Patient

Provisioning #

You will receive an email confirmation of your order.
Once payment has been accepted, your Hippo VPS  service will be provisioned automatically. The time this takes can vary depending on the options you have chosen. Once it is complete, we will also run some manual checks at our end to make sure everything is running smoothly with your Virtual Private Server. When we are happy it is ready, you will be sent a further email with your login and access details and anything else you need to do to finalize your set-up.


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